Sunday, August 23, 2020
Main Character Of The Novel Essay Example for Free
Fundamental Character Of The Novel Essay All through the book, we see that George Elliot has an unmistakable pre-occupation and enthusiasm with introducing the common laborers rustic network in a true light. She composes the book as a social anthropologist, examining the more crude network of the time. She has a lot of compassion towards poor people, in spite of the fact that she herself was not an individual from the common laborers. Utilizing the story as a vehicle she intends to uncover the situation and insult of the poor in Victorian England, it was her fundamental intention. Consequently, her concentration all through the book is in truth town life; for this situation an anecdotal town named Raveloe. Concentrating on the townspeople, their perspectives and their lifestyle goes about as a method of additionally remarking socially and politically on the treacheries they face. Raveloe can undoubtedly be viewed as the principle character as without it, the story following Silas has little centrality. The town shapes the account, being answerable for the greater part of the significant zones of enthusiasm for the story. All the individual characters give intrigue and together structure the character of the town, from characters, for example, Dunsey to Dolly. The story starts with a thoughtful depiction of the genuine society of Raveloe. Our first genuine wellspring of enthusiasm for the novel originates from the residents threatening response to Silas. We are at first told about Silas through the eyes of the locals. Elliot echoes the locals procedure of thought and method of discourse all through the novel, to be specific toward the start. The sound of Silas loom is portrayed as flawed and he is said to have an unpleasant gaze. She is impersonating the idiosyncrasies and diction of Raveloe overall and its response to the obscure. Silas mechanical technique for taking a shot at the loom is viewed as un-normal by the residents, who can just pass judgment on him on their own encounters, focused round cultivating and horticulture. Because of this newness, they see even miserable characteristics as evil. His terrible visual perception is thought of as a gaze. This response of the town demonstrations similarly as a response of a human character. It is run of the mill of the town to think along these lines. In this regard at that point, the town can be viewed as some other character would. It has qualities and an anticipated nature. It is these aggregate qualities of the network that make Raveloe one character, with which Silas connections rotate. His connections and associations with the characters of the network give the most critical focal points in the novel. At first, there is the burglary of his gold by Dunsey, at that point his coordination into the network with the assistance of Dolly and later his showdown with Godfrey over the destiny of Eppie. Cart speaks to the hotter, caring piece of the Raveloe people group, inverse to William Dane, the severe image of Silas past. She is portrayed to look for the more troubled and progressively genuine components of life and field her psyche upon them. Cart appears to nearly pick up food from aiding those out of luck, for this situation Silas. She causes him with the childhood of Eppie, offering garments and her own time. She satisfies her discovered job in the network. Despite the fact that she can be viewed as the prime case of the towns moral ability, such conclusions are seen all around. When Silas illuminates the residents regarding his lost gold, the townspeople bunch together so as to support him. By entering The Rainbow, Silas enters the center point of the town network, starting the procedure of his combination. Subsequent to seeing the genuineness and profundity of Silas melancholy, any previous bits of gossip vanish as the inhabitants relate him to themselves, appearing to be restless to help. The occasion goes about as an uncommon wellspring of energy, as the locals become unequipped for recognizing reality from creative mind, manufacturing data concerning a pedlar with ear-rings. Anyway this all speaks to a suggestive attribute of the town a worry to help other people. The residents response concerning the pedlar, means that another key attribute of Raveloe a confidence in strange notion. Despite the fact that the residents give extensive portrayals of this supposed criminal, we realize that no such character even exists. It is a case of how, in such close cut networks, little issues, valid or bogus, can be decorated, growing into basic conviction, prompting the formation of new notions. Silas is at first connected with the fallen angel and soul love. These doubts are just elevated by his clear expertise with home grown cures, his unusual cataleptic fits, just as his past home, Northard, where wizards, enchantment and old stories were related. Anyway his clear enormous loss following the loss of his gold scatters any previous bits of gossip. Quite a bit of this notion begins from the locals conversations in the Rainbow, a significant focal point of the novel. This can be found in the story of Cliffs Holiday, a notable practiced story. Mr Macey, the obvious leader of this particular social network, portrays how a tailor, known as Cliff, had attempted to brave the tailor of his child, endeavoring ascending the class framework by making a man of honor out of his child. The story anyway finishes with the child kicking the bucket, and Cliff tailing him before long. The story involves a lot of strange notion, referencing old Harry, a code word for the fallen angel, recommending this unnatural want to climb the class framework was liable for the passing of the kid. The locals, inverse to Cliff, are in reality exceptionally tolerating of what they have been given. They feel content with what God has given them. Their pre-occupation isn't to emerge from destitution however to simply co-work with one another so as to make it tolerable. This is seen in Dollys clear want to help anybody out of luck, or if nothing else to do as well as can be expected. None of the townspeople appear to grumble about their conditions. They support Silas and one another. Another case of this is in Aarons want to help Silas later on in the novel with his nursery. He has no doubts about working in his extra time, he considers it to be just a not too bad activity. These slants would to a great extent be an aftereffect of his mom, Dolly, and the manner in which she brought him up. The gatherings in the Rainbow are a significant part of the social idea of Raveloe. Like going to Church, it is a social capacity. This strict part of Raveloe is strange to Silas because of his starting points of the non-traditionalist Lantern Yard. He remains unaware of temples, just houses of prayer. This total absence of information fairly secludes him from the network; he doesn't go to chapel. Anyway Dolly, is inflexible that Eppie will be raised in the Raveloe confidence and simultaneously, brings Silas once again into religion. Both the common laborers are available in such capacities just as the nobility. The nobility are spoken to by the Cass family. The assistant sees himself over different individuals from the network, just getting engaged with them at merry, social events, for example, the new-year celebration at the Red House. They are separated from poor people and, in contrast to Dolly, Mr Macey or some other individuals from the lower class network, speak to minimal more than themselves. The Cass family are one of the townspeople subjects of conversation. They insightfully observe the shortcomings of the high society similarly as they see blames in the lower classes. They take a particular loathing to Dunstan, because of his absence of regard of anybody, particularly those underneath him. Godfrey is likewise observed as feeble, Mr Macey depicting him as a leeway prepared pie, remarking on his ethical blemishes. The crude yet in any case sensible way of thinking of, the individuals who do well are remunerated while the individuals who dont endure, is clearly demonstrated in the two cases. Dunstan winds up passing on due his voracity, while, despite the fact that it is obscure to them, as a result of his dismissal of Eppie, Godfrey is apparently rebuffed by Nancy being not able to imagine. Silas blamelessness then again, is in the long run compensated. He is honored with Eppie, who transforms him. These ends follow the residents moral code, looking after equity. Completely, the town has an assortment of by and large properties and an anticipated nature so consequently can be portrayed as a character. Besides, being the principle focal point of the novel, we can proceed to propose it is the primary character. We are increasingly mindful of the qualities and nature of Raveloe all in all than a particular character even Silas. All the headliners of the novel are molded by the town. Every character of each character speaks to an alternate part of the town in general. These individual characters add up to make one, primary character which directs the account and plot of the novel. Elliots fixation on her delineations of the town, demonstrate that she wanted it to be the primary core interest. Clearly Silas is significant, notwithstanding, the situations develop around him in Raveloe that truly impact the course of the novel.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Farmers Revolt Essay Example
The Farmers Revolt Essay Example The Farmers Revolt Essay The Farmers Revolt Essay DBQ 13: The Farmer;s Revolt Farmers were once known for having the option to do everything themselves. They developed their own food and sewed their own garments. Individuals frequently long for the days of yore and whine about such huge numbers of individuals living in urban areas. Numerous ranchers needed to surrender their homesteads and move to the urban communities, due to something that occurred in the late nineteenth century. Significant expenses constrained ranchers to focus on one yield. The huge scope ranchers purchased costly machines, expanding their harvest yield. This made the littler ranchers be deserted. The little ranchers could not contend anymore and were constrained surrender their homesteads and search for occupations in the urban areas. The littler ranchers who remained accused their difficulties for banks and railways. In the 1890;s western and southern ranchers met up to make up the ideological group called the Populist Party. Their arrangement was to assume responsibility for the White House; thenthey could take care of every one of their issues. The expansion in crop yield caused an adjustment in the economy, which the gathering set out to fix in 1892.On their gathering stage they requested that the administration assume responsibility for the railroad. The railroad was charging amazingly significant expenses to move grain. They requested that the administration utilize the railways to support the individuals. They additionally wished to sort the economy out and requested a boundless coinage of gold and silver at a proportion of sixteen to one and a graduated personal assessment. Since the expansion in crop yield, this caused overproduction, which brought about ranchers bringing down their costs incredibly. In 1890 priest Washington Gladden composed an article called ;The Embattled Farmers;. In it he accused the destruction of the ranchers for ;defensive duties, trustsspeculation in ranch items, over-voracious mediators, and extreme t ransportation rates.; James Laurence Laughlin composed an article ;Causes of Agricultural Unrest; that was pu
Friday, July 10, 2020
Help Term Paper - Does Writing A Help Term Paper Without Writing Too Much Really Work?
Help Term Paper - Does Writing A Help Term Paper Without Writing Too Much Really Work?Is there a way to write a help term paper without writing too much? The answer is yes, but it will require a little bit of a 'know how' if you want to get the best results.The first thing you need to do is establish a goal. Set a date for the term paper and list out what your timeline for getting the paper finished. For this example, we will assume that you already have the material in front of you ready to go and that you will only be needing to adjust the things you do not understand.The next step is to create a document for your help, if you are just starting out with this. This may include a list of questions that must be answered or a checklist to help you start to get an idea of how to answer them. In most cases, this is a good time to focus on what the reader will see on your paper instead of being concerned about what will be written.Next, you need to figure out how much time you have to com plete your help. Most help writers should have all the information they need from you before they start writing. If you wait too long, you will not get all the help you need and you will not be able to use it appropriately.Once you have an idea of how much time you have left, then you need to work on getting organized. Start by making a schedule of when you will get all the information you need. You can also make notes on your calendar to remind you to complete your tasks.Once you have decided where to start your help, then you need to list out the tasks you need to do. If you are new to this, it will be important for you to stay clear of reading too much and writing too much. Remember that this is the process that needs to get completed to get your paper in a shape that will make you look smart and professional in your teacher's eyes.As you continue working on your help, make sure you keep a journal to keep track of your progress. This is something that every help writer should kee p. Make sure you maintain a record of your work so that you can make your best efforts to get through it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Abigail Adams And The Second President Of The Military...
Abigail Adams was a wife and a mother, but she was more than that. She was considered as an unofficial adviser for her husband John Adams, who was the second president of the United States. President Adams frequently requested advice from Abigail on many matters, and although she was not given any recognition during her time, she was an important figure for many people to come. Abigail was the voice for women’s movement, and a champion of the military during the Revolutionary war. Overall, she was an inspirational leader and had many facets in her life that shaped a better America. Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, the second president, and the mother of John Quincy Adams, the sixth president. Abigail and John were third cousins, but were in love, and on October 25, 1764, they were married. Throughout the course, she gave a birth to a total of six children, three daughters and three sons. She had no formal education and was taught to read and write at home. She had int erest in philosophy, theology, Shakespeare, the classics, ancient history, government and law (First Ladies). Even though she did not have much of an education, her act of patriotism to her country outshines the issue of her lack of education. Abigail showed her bravery, when she assisted the soldiers at the Siege of Boston on October 1, 1775 (Bio.). While President Adams attended the Continental Congress, the Continental Army took refuge at the front yard of her home. When the British firedShow MoreRelatedAbigail Adams And The Revolutionary Time Period1585 Words  | 7 Pageswomen.†– Abigail Adams (Brainy Quote). In the 1700’s, most women were uneducated and thought little about education and knowledge of the intricate workings of government and society. However, one woman saw the value of education and free thinking way before most of her contemporaries. In Abigail Adams, a biography by Charles W. Akers, a unique perspective of the revolutionary time p eriod is displayed through the eyes of Abigail Adams by contrasting the way women were treated generally during thatRead MorePresidents Of The United States1684 Words  | 7 PagesThere have been forty-four Presidents of the United States and most people can only name a few. One of the lesser known presidents is known as John Quincy Adams who was President from March 4, 1825 to March 4, 1829. His fame may have been enriched by the fact that he was the first son of a president to become president. â€Å"Quincy†as he was called to avoid any confusion with his father John Adams, was one of the most qualified people to ever be elected into the White House. His six years (one term)Read MoreJohn Adams : Revolutionary Delegate2098 Words  | 9 Pages John Adams: Revolutionary Delegate The Revolutionary Era Dr. Paul Grady Eric G. Shuping April 23, 2015 John Adams: Revolutionary Delegate John Adams most fundamental political message that he used throughout his career was, â€Å"no simple Form of Government can possibly secure Men against the Violences of Power. Only a mixed government that combined the voices of the many with those of the few; that contained checks and balances within its various branches; and that clearly separatedRead MoreThe Bloodless Revolution Of 18001666 Words  | 7 Pagesintended? Or would everything collapse after only one president leading the country? The Bloodless Revolution of 1800 was an event that changed our nation s history an ways of government in many important ways. But in order to understand fully the whole effect this event had on our nation, we must look back a few years before 1800 to the Neutrality Proclamation, the John Jay Treaty, X Y Z Affair, and the Quasi War. George Washington, in his second term of office, issued the Neutrality ProclamationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Signing Of Jay s Treaty 1488 Words  | 6 Pagesrepresented their character, and wanted to show Washington’s sterling character. A London newspaper that described the painting as well as various people who simply saw Washington, described him in great detail almost as if he was an idol. Biographic: Abigail Adams used the poetry of John Dryden to describe Washington: â€Å"He’s a temple Sacred by birth, and built by hands divine.†Washington was given his lasting title by a German newspaper which called him Des Landes Vater, the Father of his country. 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White House.Gov states, â€Å"The President and the First Lady’s job responsibilities are to entertain both national and international guest that were arriving and staying at the White House (White†It also goesRead MoreThe Stein Founding Brothers Notes : Ap Us History2996 Words  | 12 PagesHamilton’s side once he was shot, but it took Hamilton a couple hours to completely die. The duel started at 7AM, but Hamilton officially died at 2PM †¢ Pendleton and Van Ness were the only eye-witnesses of the very controversial duel †¢ Two shots were taken during the duel, one from Burr and one from Hamilton. It’s still up for debate who shot their gun first †¢ If Hamilton had the intention of never shooting his gun, then Burr must’ve fired first †¢ It is believed that Hamilton did shoot at Burr by accidentRead MoreIdeology Behind American Revolution Essays1890 Words  | 8 Pagessocial separation of colonial possessions from the home nation and a coalescing of those former individual colonies into an independent nation. Summary The American revolutionary era began in 1763, after a series of victories by British forces at the conclusion of the French and Indian War (also, Seven Years War) ended the French military threat to British North American colonies. Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay a larger proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the EmpireRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesInterests In his â€Å"other life,†Dr. Robbins actively participates in masters’ track competition. Since turning 50 in 1993, he has won 18 national championships and 12 world titles. He is the current world record holder at 100 meters (12.37 seconds) and 200 meters (25.20 seconds) for men 65 and over. xx ABOUT THE AUTHORS xxi Timothy A. Judge Education Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Professional Experience Academic Positions: Franklin D. Schurz Chair, Department of Management
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Observation Samantha is wiping her nose with a bundle of tissues; instead of squeezing her nose to blow the mucus out, she is wiping up and down her nose. Teacher Julia is helping the children put on their jackets because it is cold outside. Teacher Julia says to Samantha â€Å"Let me help you put your jacket on†as she brings Samantha’s jacket over to her; â€Å"No! I can do it!†says Samantha as she hands the tissues to Teacher Julia and takes the jacket to put on herself. Samantha tries three times to slip her right arm into the jacket before successfully putting on the jacket through both arms. She is attempting to zip up her jacket however the zipper is stuck and will not pull up. Teacher Julia notices that the zipper is stuck and helps†¦show more content†¦How are you, friend? I missed you so much!†. Samantha responds â€Å"Good!†and opens her arms, embracing Teacher Ashley. Analysis Samantha’s actions express signs of physical development through the two types of motor skills; gross motor and fine motor. Samantha has demonstrated development of gross motor skills,which according to Berk(107), â€Å"refers to the control over actions that help infants get around in the environment†. She is able to walk, jump, skip, and even hug Teacher Ashley and displaying the wide body movement actions which can be refined throughout the developmental stage. â€Å"Fine-motor development has to do with smaller movements such as reaching and grasping†(108). Samantha used a secure pincer grasp when using her forefinger and thumb to clamp the zipper on her jacket and pull it up. She also held her spoon to feed herself cereal.This means that she developed more fine motor skills that require precision in smaller muscles such as those in the fingers. Her actions also displayed cognitive development through sensorimotor development. Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory(Berk 119), states that â€Å"all cognition development in an integrated fashion, changing in similar way at about the same time as children move through four stages between infancy and adolescence†. Samantha exhibited actions from Piaget’s first theory,It is evident that Samantha’s actionsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1503 Words  | 7 Pagesfinally have you home again!†Dad exclaimed, giving me a hug before we took our places at the table. We exchanged stories as we ate our food. I told everyone how I got expelled and James and Sirius told me what that had been doing all summer. That night I went to bed exhausted from the long day it had been. Boy was this year going to be great. Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1514 Words  | 7 Pagesdoor slowly, facing him and walking backwards. â€Å"Sure you want me to leave? We have unfinished business I can help you with.†Snake entered the office and a flying book, which Ocelot dodged, almost hit his face. â€Å"Fighting again you two? I was sure I d see you on Kaz s lap Ocelot.†Big Boss closed the door and grabbed the book from the floor. For a strange reason Snake seemed to encourage their games, was he testing them? Ocelot did not want to take any chances for the moment. â€Å"No, he justRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Of The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1371 Words  | 6 Pages -Flashback- Come on Madison lets go play Nathan smiled pulling me up from the couch. I sighed and followed him outside to where the other pack kids were playing. Cameron looked over and smiled running over to Nathan and I. You guys want to play catch with me and the guys? Nathan grinned and nodded dragging me along. Ok so let s pick team captains. One of Cameron s friends happily volunteered along with Cameron and they proceeded picking people to be on their teamsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald Essay1186 Words  | 5 Pageswreckage, Hunk’s the engineer, he could’ve fixed it easily.†Keith crossed his arms and looked away. â€Å"They’re okay, right?†Keith doesn’t answer. He only nods then walks over to the ship, â€Å"I think it may be missing some parts. I don’t know. I have a book over it, but I don’t know these ships. You think you could figure it out?†â€Å"I was top of my class for reason.†Lance says, â€Å"You were apart of the Garrison, don’t you know this stuff?†Keith shook his head, â€Å"I dropped out before we even started learningRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Night By F. Scott Fitzgerald1880 Words  | 8 PagesI despise required reading with every cell in my body. It does not matter how interesting or gripping the content is. If someone tells me I must read it; I will hate it. So naturally, I went into Assignment 9 with nothing but dread. Jeff’s book is fascinating, but that doesn’t change the fact that I feel the urge to refuse on pure principle. However after reading only a paragraph, I knew I would not be able to stop. After reading only a paragraph, I knew I owed it to myself to finish this story.Read MoreAnalysis Of The Book Escape Of The Night By David F. Scott Fitzgerald2675 Words  | 11 Pagesslap him across the face. â€Å"Don’t you try to run from me,†His father growled. â€Å"I didn’t do anything wrong!†David whimpered in a hesitant protest. His father scowled. â€Å"David,†he demanded in a stern voice. â€Å"Did you do what I asked of you last night?†David cringed in terror, knowing that the chore of cleaning the bathroom would never be good enough. It never had been, not even when Peter did it. â€Å"Yes, father.†He replied. His father left the dim room to inspect it. David rubbed his neck asRead MoreEssay on Tender Is the Night Parallels Fitzgerald’s Life1032 Words  | 5 PagesTender Is the Night Parallels Fitzgerald’s Life Away! Away! for I will fly to thee, Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards, But on the viewless wings of Poesy Though the dull brain perplexes and retards: Already with thee! Tender is the night†¦ -From â€Å"Ode to a Nightingale†by John Keats Charles Scribner III in his introduction to the work remarks that â€Å"the title evokes the transient, bittersweet, and ultimately tragic nature of Fitzgerald’s ‘Romance’ (as heRead More Fitzgerald and Short Story Writing Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesFitzgerald and Short Story Writing Although Fitzgerald today is usually considered a novelist, in his lifetime he was more well-known for his short stories. He was a prolific writer of short stories, and published around 160 of them (Bruccoli xiii). Many literary critics often separate â€Å"Fitzgerald the novel writer†from â€Å"Fitzgerald the short story writer†. In his own life, Fitzgerald felt somewhat of a disconnection between his ‘literary’ career as a novelist and his more professionalRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Character Analysis956 Words  | 4 PagesIn the book, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is a strong message about the social class systems about the societies that exists between them. First, there are people like the Buchanans and Jordan Baker who were born into wealth and never really had to work for their money. Secondly, The new money people who can never really be like them, inherently because they have had to work for their money and sometimes finding it had been rough while doing so. (Houghton Mifflin) InRead More Hemingway and Fitzgerald Essay1423 Words  | 6 PagesHemingway and Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald, the parties of one of the most famously infamous relationships in literary history met for the first time in late April 1925 at The Dingo Bar, a Paris hangout for the bohemian set. In his novel A Moveable Feast (published posthumously) Hemingway describes his first impressions of Fitzgerald: â€Å"The first time I ever met Scott Fitzgerald a very strange thing happened. Many strange things happened with Scott, but this
Foundations of Management Morgan
Questions: 1.Which of these images or metaphors applies to Factory system before the development of Scientific Management? Did it change after Taylor's ideas were adopted? 2.Do some organizations have a more difficult time with this than others, What kinds of goals or problems do they deal with? 3.Do you think the term used by Barnard -- "common moral purpose" is a good way to describe what happens in work organizations, Why or why not? 4.What do each of these separate demands mean for organizing and managing, Why they all are desired? Answers: 1. Morgans metaphor and Taylors Scientific Management Morgan says that there is a tendency of human beings to get trapped in their own created webs. He argues that it happens as because organisations are held together by the conscious unconscious ideas of the people about the organisation. The human being becomes prisoners of ideas of their own. This is the metaphor we use. Gareth Morgans eight metaphors of the organisations are one of the models of the management theory. Morgan has eight metaphors and he considers it as the lens that helps to view the organisation. The eight metaphors of Morgan were: Machine Organism Brain Culture System of political Prison of psychic Transformation change Domination instrument Morgan says that the metaphors influence the way one perceives the problems of the organisation. Further, it discusses the process of the solutions. The theory of the Morgan provides some scope to the people to understand the organisations behaviour. The metaphor of Morgan creates insight in the areas of the practices of the organisation. By understanding the eight metaphors of the organisation, the manager understands the operations of the organisation. The manager can get the chance to excel in the field of problem-solving of the organisation(Isaacson, 2012). There are numerous management theories that discuss the behaviour of the organisation. The theories focus solving the problems that are encountered by the organisations(Chan, 2013). Frederick Winslow Taylor has developed scientific management theory advocates that the right people should hire for the job and they should be trained and monitored. The responsibility will be shifted to the managers from the workers. The scientific theory has a greater impact that the theory of Morgan. The theory of Taylor uses the scientific observation in order to analyse the movement of the human and to make a restructure of the workplace(Fiegerman, 2012). This will help to use minimum efforts and to get maximum production.Contemporary management theory offers many insights into the organisational nature. Taylors scientific management is an approach to make a study of the organisation. 2. Rational-bureaucratic organisations In the process of the administration, bureaucracy is called as the division of the labour. It is considered as the form of the organisation that works for preparation dispatch of the documents. The theory bureaucratic organisation advocates that the principles of efficiency focus on the maximum output from the minimum inputs(Taylor, 2007). The theory focuses on the rationality, efficiency impersonality. The theory states that all the rules and regulations will be recorded in the writing form. The continuous hierarchy is the structure of the organisation and the upper level controls the lower level. The individual who holds the position has no rights on it(Crozier, 2009). Each level has their own form of responsibility. The technical competent individuals are appointed in an office. Efficiency stability are the two important factors that make the bureaucratic structure strong in the society. The theory advocates the need of a new class of workers. The most important thing is that each and every outcome is a matter of keeping advance. The relations of the organisations are based on the strategic games. This does not allow people to gain their personal advantage. There are some inward looking power struggles that do not allow the individual to learn from its errors(Mintzberg, 2007). For being rational, the bureaucratic structure sets some impersonal rules in order to cover each and every event. Due to the predetermined decisions, the relationships of the hierarchical are less important. The senior people of the structure do not get power to govern. The people who will be affected by the decisions should not be given the task of making decisions. The individuals those who control the zones of the uncertainty create the parallel structure of power. This causes the difficulty as there are unrelated decisions are made. The makers of the decision should be trained and must report their decisions appropriately to the seniors. 3. Barnards Common moral purpose Barnard views that organisations are like cooperative systems. The organisation is a complex of components like physical, biological, personal social that brings systematic relationships in the form of cooperation of two or more individuals for the specific end. The common moral purpose is defined as the cooperative arrangements in order to accomplish the things that we cannot do all alone. Barnard says that organisation is like a living organism. The organisation requires sustaining itself even in the hostile situations. The organisation is not self-sufficient. It requires to depend upon the resources from the environment that is from outside and this will allow it to function the actions of the organisation are limited. The need of the capital, labour and equipment is very important for the organisation. Barnard says that in order to achieve the equilibrium system involving both the external and internal environments. The contribution of the members of the organisation brings satisfaction to both to the organisation and the members of it as well. Barnard theory is called the theory of Inducement-Contribution. It is ordinarily called the theory of motivation. The theory states that the members of the organisation will contribute to the organisation for the purpose of inducements(, 2011). The employees work for the organisation only when he or she is worthy to the organisation. The person will continue to contribute to the organisation when he or she gets payment, benefits and satisfaction for the job. If these are not found then the member of the organisation does not work. Barnard focuses on the incentive method that focuses on the incentives that are offered to the members to satisfy them (abraham-maslow, 2017). Persuasive method is a method to alter the motives of an employee. In the persuasive theory, coercion occurs when the member is motivated to cooperate during a threat. Propaganda refers to the persuasions of a person through the importance of mission and products of the organisation. Inoculation refers to t he importance of educating people of the organisation on certain values so that they can carry those values with them (, 2017). These values are like the religious values, the values of the patriotism and the professional values. Bernard advocates that to legitimate the organisation there should be rules, regulations, directives and orders. 4. Economies of scope and economies of scope For the corporate organisation, economies of scale are the main drivers. These scales are very important to discuss in the present context of the transformation of the forms of the organisation. The economies of scale scope are the two important valuable concepts in the economies for the organisations that can help in improving the bottom line of the company. There are 2 types of the scale of economies. They are internal and the external. Internal: This refers to the cost savings. These accumulate to a firm irrespective of industry, market or even in any kind of the environment in which it makes an operation. External: Due the proper organisation of the industry external economies are beneficial to the firm. Internal economies of scale are found in the large firm to execute the overhead of the research and development(, 2016). The cost to discover the new product is always demanding. The modern companies are willing to spend more on the research and development. There are some demerits of the internal economies. There is no way to count the feelings and quality of experience(, 2008). It is not appropriate for the big business. In the corporate bureaucratic more people they have than the amount of work they do. Economies of scope This shows that it is difficult to produce one product. It is easy and cheaper to produce the range of product together. This kind of economies is applicable in the finance marketing. This is also applicable where the business process is interrelationships. It refers to the input and output(, 2016). The organisation uses the output of the business in order to find out the input of other. The economies of scope are very much applicable for behaviour of the corporate. This is related to the production of the mass to the acquisitions mergers. Bibliography abraham-maslow, 2017. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 04 2017]., 2016. Economies of Scale vs Scope - Beginner Business. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 04 04 2017]. Chan, J. P. N. S. M., 2013. The politics of global production: Apple, Foxconn and Chinas new working class. New Technology, Work and Employment,, 28(2), p. 100115.. Crozier, M., 2009. The Bureaucratic Phenomenon. London: Transaction Publishers. Fiegerman, S., 2012. Actually, Sometimes It Sucks To Work At Apple Heres Why.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 04 2017]., 2011. 73 The Functions of the Executive (Barnard, 1938) | Ignasi Capdevila. [Online] Available at: executive-barnard-1938 [Accessed 03 04 2017]. Isaacson, W., 2012. The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs.. Harvard Business Review., 2017. Alfred Adler's Personality Theory and Personality Types | Journal Psyche. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 04 2017]., 2017. Alfred Adler's Personality Theory and Personality Types | Journal Psyche. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 03 2017]., 2016. Difference Between Economies of Scale and Economies of Scope ... [Online] Available at: economies-of-scale-and-economies-of-scope [Accessed 03 04 2017]. Mintzberg, H., 2007. Mintzberg on Management. s.l.:The Free Press. Taylor, F. W., 2007. The Principles of Scientific Managemenet. s.l.:Nu Vision Publications., 2008. Economies of scale and scope | The Economist. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 03 04 2017].
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The end of the play Essay Example For Students
The end of the play Essay In my personal opinion, I would say that Sheila is more to blame than her father, simply because Eva had loved her job at Milwards and she had just come off the streets and was straight into a well-paid job. When she was fired she must have had serious emotional problems, as I believe this had been a much greater knock back to her than being sacked from Birlings factory. Due to Sheilas interference, Evas last chance at a better life is ruined. Also, Eva being fired was through not fault of Sheilas own. Sheila had said that she was particularly in a furious temper that day and I think she was just venting her frustration at someone, who happened to be Eva. The reason for her bad mood was because she tried something on, and it just didnt suit me at all. In addition, after her rage she caught sight of her smiling at the assistant. When she was asked whether she had been jealous of her she answers, Yes, I suppose so. She had also before been in a bad temper anyhow. I think that the least responsible character for Eva Smiths suicidal death was Gerald Croft. We will write a custom essay on The end of the play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now He was the only one who provided a small period of happiness for Eva Smith, as well as a source of income for this time. He knew Eva as Daisy Renton. He first met her in the stalls bar at the palace, which was a bar at a theatre. He was drawn to Daisy/Eva because She was very pretty soft brown hair and big dark eyes, and that he saw Alderman Meggarty harassing her. He therefore came to her to answer her cry for help. He took her for a drink and a meal because he pitied her and he learnt that she was desperate for a place to settle in and stay, so he let her use his friends rooms. She then became his mistress and they were together for the whole summer of 1911. Gerald then broke it off definitely and so She had to move out of those rooms. He finished with her and cast her aside because of his relationship with Sheila Birling. They both also knew there wasnt going to be any future in their relationship because of their classes and social standings. Daisy/Eva herself knew it wouldnt have been a long affair and there is also evidence that she was surprised at how long it did last, She told me that shes happier than she had ever been before but that she knew it couldnt last hadnt expected it to last. I think that Daisy/Eva benefited from these events in the long run rather than lost out. She might have been heartbroken for a little period of time (she didnt seem to show any remorse) and maybe even homeless, but Gerald had shown her love and also given her money to ensure she was stable until the end of the year. She had a period of happiness, security and love for a while which, as far as we know, she hadnt had for a long time. Although Gerald left her, she was in the same position as she was before; probably better off. Gerald kept the girl out of trouble during the summer when she could have been out on the streets or at the Palace bar getting into trouble, like she had before. Gerald himself felt responsible for her death when he heard about it. He might have had negative thoughts such as the girl might have had more to lose than previously when he had kicked her out, and also when shed been with him she had an enjoyable luxurious lifestyle, and that being rejected by him was probably more hurtful to the girl than the dismissals inflicted on her by Arthur and Sheila Birling because there were strong emotions involved. He must have also felt that hed given her false hope and used her which ultimately made her life less bearable, and therefore he must have thought he was guilty and the one to blame. I reckon at this point he must have definitely regretted having even met Daisy/Eva, as he now had to suffer the consequences feeling very remorseful. Gerald was very upset about the girls death as he had known her reasonably well and after all was quite fond of her, She was young, pretty and warm-hearted, and intensely grateful, and She didnt blame me at all. I wish to God she had now. Perhaps Id feel better about it, both show this. But as a whole, compared to the rest of the characters, I think that Gerald is the least to blame. He was the only person who respected her and treated her like a human being; not just as a piece of dirt. In my opinion I think that Eric is one of the most responsible characters for the death of Eva Smith. Eric met Daisy/Eva In the Palace Bar, which apparently is where women of the town drink. Eric was in there having a beer when he met the girl. He insisted to go with her to her lodgings, and they made love. .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .postImageUrl , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:hover , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:visited , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:active { border:0!important; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:active , .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73 .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf3dee4e3f0414f2035dc5822cc444e73:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Balcony Scene EssayThey were both very drunk and Eric couldnt even remember her name the next day! They met up every week and eventually Eva/Daisy found out she was pregnant a few weeks later. Eric realized what he had done and so he stole money from his father, Mr. Birling (who found out when Eric confessed to the inspector). He stole the money to give to Daisy/Eva and to support her and the baby, but she refused to take any more, when she found out the money was stolen (I think that Eric may have not acted mature in his ways of getting money, but he panicked and had no other way of getting it fast. This shows his immaturity and the lack of communication between himself and his family). He then left her pregnant with his baby to fend for herself, and he gave her no support whatsoever. I think that this must have been the biggest knock back Eva suffered. Eric doesnt take responsibility for his actions at the start, as he goes off and blames his mother for killing her, you killed her! and then roundabouts the blame slightly back to his father for being a person he cannot talk to, because your not the type of father a chap could go to when he is in trouble. I think that this is just shock at the fact that Eva is dead and so is his baby. Nearer to the end of the play, Eric begins to accept responsibility for what he has done, and shows a whole new mature side to him that shows great reasoning. I think that this new side comes out because he has had time to adjust to what he and the rest of the characters have done, the fact remains that I did what I did. This shows great maturity and hes trying to get the rest of the family to accept responsibility for what part they played no matter how small a part it was. I think that Eric feels a bit of guilt too, more so than his father, but I would say not much than his sister, Sheila Birling. Unlike his father he knows he was in the wrong. It is this fact that makes me feel that he isnt the most responsible for the Eva Smiths suicide. However, his actions were a vital role in her death. He made Eva pregnant at the worst time possible, and it could be said that he raped her; Eva was heavily drunk and Eric might have taken advantage of this and therefore made love to her, leaving her pregnant (after all, it was him who had insisted he should go home with her, and who had threatened to make a row). This alone could have driven Eva to suicide, knowing that she would be raising a child on her own with little money, no home or security. I very much doubt she would have been able to pick herself off her feet at this stage, and cope with her life. Her moral was lower here than at previous stages. This meant that she wouldnt have had a desire or made any effort to pick herself off her feet. Eric plays the last true important role in Eva/Daisys demise, getting her into the condition she could not possibly cope with without help; he took her to the point of no return. However, there were options to assist her. For example, the Brumley Womans Organisation charity was an option. There were ways around this situation. The girl took this into account and so therefore that was why Sybil Birling and the charity was really Eva Smiths last resort. Eva Smith appealed for the Brumley Womans Organisation, which gave money out to women who were in desperate need of it, such as Eva Smith. Sybil Birling was a prominent member of the charity. Eva came to her asking for money because she was carrying Erics baby and had no job and thus no money to support herself. She went to the charity claiming to be Mrs. Birling, as she thought that if she was carrying Erics baby and used the Birling name, she would have a better chance of getting a response and therefore some money. Unfortunately she was shut down because Sybil Birling thought that she was mocking her and so she refused to give her money. She did not believe Evas stories about her husband deserting her etc, and so said that she felt perfectly justified in advising my committee not to allow her claim for assistance. .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .postImageUrl , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:hover , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:visited , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:active { border:0!important; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:active , .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub7ef678056475949fc34eaea20d0e55b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drama piece Essay She was also astonished that such a girl could have applied for help using the name Mrs.Birling, scruples that were simply absurd in a girl of her position, which means that those less off should have no rights. This shows that Mrs. Birling is very anti-lower-class. Mrs. Birling continued to pass the blame, First, the girl herself. Secondly, I blame the young man who was the father of child she was going to have. Indeed later on she did find out that the young man happened to be her son, Eric. Mrs Birling was prejudiced against her case, because Eva Smith used the name of Mrs. Birling. Knowing the facts about Eric we now know this was justified usage of the Birling name. As far as responsibility goes, I would say that Mrs Birling was another one of the major characters responsible for Evas suicide, although she did not accept it for any of her actions. She, like her husband, did not admit that she was in the wrong, though we all know that she was clearly. She also believes that she was within her right to refuse Eva the money. She thought that she was totally right in her decision even now, with the knowledge she has, Im very sorry, but I think she only has herself to blame, and I did nothing I am ashamed of or that wont bear investigation, both show this. I think that this is a good piece of evidence to support the idea of no responsibility being taken. I think that Mr and Mrs Birling share the same prejudice ideas and almost self-belief that they are never in the wrong. I think that the last piece of evidence also supports the idea that Mrs Birling has no guilt about Evas death and her part in it. As far as blame goes, Mrs Birling played a major part in the suicide of Eva Smith. She knocked her back when she had no money, was pregnant, had no boyfriend, husband, family or even friends that could help, and when her life was basically nothing. She knocked Eva back through not fault of her own. Mrs Birling was, as it were, the sole sentence to death, and by removing Evas rights based on prejudices, Mrs Birling left Eva only one way out. This was more than which Eva could take, and it was after this that Eva committed suicide. In conclusion, my opinion is that, although all the characters were to blame for the death of Eva Smith, Eric Birling was the most responsible. The other characters incidents were all uncalled for and was just them being either frustrated or prejudice towards Eva because, for example, of her working class background. However, Eric was not prejudice towards Eva/Daisy, and he was not really frustrated either. He simply treated the poor girl as if she wasnt human. He made love to her and then tried to pay her off when he realised she was in fact pregnant. After the girl broke away from him, she was left completely on the edge with nothing except the burden of an unborn baby. If Eric had not stolen the money that he gave to her, and got drunk and slept with her, she would not have had to leave him as she would not have got pregnant with no money and without a place live. Eric did however feel remorse for his actions but it seems to me though, that part of his display of emotions was to manoeuvre himself out of trouble with his parents. Since she had absolutely nothing after the relationship with Eric, except an unwanted unborn child, I think that this was the situation that drove her to the point to commit suicide by drinking the disinfectant. We mustnt, however, confuse blame with responsibility. All of the characters were partly responsible; some to a more deeper extent than others. But all the characters were equally to blame, as it was not just down to one person, just as the Inspector makes it clear at the end of the play, But each of you helped to kill her. Remember that, never forget it. The end of the play Essay Example For Students The end of the play Essay In this essay I am going to discuss the role played by Inspector Goole in the play An Inspector calls. In the play the inspectors takes many roles these include the catalyst, the social conscience of the other characters featured in the play, and the ghost which only comes into the play at the end of the play. The Inspector plays a crucial part in the play; he brings out the characters secrets and shows them for whom they really are. The Inspector plays the main role in the play, as without him the revelations of all characters would not come out. We will write a custom essay on The end of the play specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Before the inspector arrives the Birling family are celebrating the engagement of Sheila Birling and Gerald Croft over dinner. Mr Birling, and Gerald are having a conversation about politics during. This being 1912 the women leave the table (Mrs Birling and Sheila), as it is not there place to talk about politics. During the conversation topics such as talk of a world war, the titanic setting sail and the suffragettes. During this conversation Mr Birling lets his views about these be known and as this play is not written until 1946 the audience already know what happened about a world war and the titanic. Mr Birlings personalities in this part of the play are for the first time shown and his. The writer makes sure that his personality comes across very poignantly. This part of the play tells us a lot of things such as the time the play is set in and womens standings compared to men. It shows how Birling feels about other people and his viewpoint on political subjects and the enhancement of technology. Priestly (the writer) is reminding the audience that the play is set in 1912. Then the inspector arrives and the atmosphere changes almost immediately. When the inspector first enters the room he plays the part of the catalyst. This is almost immediately shown by the reaction of Eric who before the inspector arrives is very relaxed and is drinking and making conversation, when he hears that an inspector is at the door he becomes uneasy, as quoted in the stage directions and becomes worried and he becomes very serious, well, I dont think its very funny, he says to Gerald after he made a comment. The stage directions say that the Inspector should create an impression of massiveness. This shows that the inspector is meant to cause a feeling unease and unrest within the over characters. After the catalyst inspector comes the spirit inspector. In this character the inspector gives the impression he is not human, you can see this through parts of his speech and his style of questioning, another why of viewing him as a spirit is the how his entrance has a massive impact on the atmosphere in the room and the effect it has on the other characters. The fact that the Inspector knows so much about the relationships between the family and Eva Smith gives out a sign of him being a spirit. The Inspector also knows a lot about how Eva Smith feels even though he apparently didnt know her, in parts of his speech he talks as if he knows her e.g. No. She wanted to end her life. She felt she couldnt go on any longer. The inspector could also be an impostor that is trying to set up the Birlings and Gerald The play gives an idea that the Inspector is a fraud by the way he questions them. He questions them one by one instead of them all at once, and he also only reveals the picture one at a time to each character, this could mean that he already knows what they are going to say and does not want them to lie during the future interview he will have with them. First he reveals the picture of Eva Smith to Mr Birling and tells him he once employed her. He is honest about the fact he employed her, but the Inspector always seems to be one step ahead of Mr Birling and all the other characters. .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .postImageUrl , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:hover , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:visited , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:active { border:0!important; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:active , .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf6d71406ebe9cc7b2f2cebc13c4bcbc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Pr EssayThe Inspector always manages to get the secrets and revelations out of the family and Gerald. This seems strange, as he knows all about the family this implies he is not a real inspector. The ending of the play is a practically proof that the inspector as the Birlings begin to suspect something and Mr Birling finds out there isnt an inspector Goole on the force and then the Birlings get the phone call that tells them that a young women has killed herself and an inspector is on their way round to question them about it, This pretty much shows he is a ghost or even fraud, But the ending makes it clear that the whole inspection has been a hoax and not real. The ending leaves the audience guess what the inspector really is it is a cliffhanger. The Inspector finally plays the part of a social conscience for the family he gives them hints of how they should think and makes them regret how they acted he uses this on Sheila especially he quotes, think about the consequences of your actions he does this with most of the family and acts as a conscience for them. This gives more of an impression of him being a ghost, because he knows how to make the family regret what they did. The Inspector manages to break up the Birlings and Gerald altogether. He leaves the play with the family almost hating one another and arguing. It is as if he went there on behalf of Eva Smith to get payback for the way they treated her. The family look to be destroyed by the end of the play. Priestly has put a message across through the play that is to be responsible for your actions, as you will have to face the consequences. I personally believe the inspector is a spirit that has come to destroy the Birlings life and family on behalf of Eva Smith, and he does so successfully.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist
Biography of Stephen Hawking, Physicist and Cosmologist Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942–March 14, 2018) was a world-renowned cosmologist and physicist, especially esteemed for overcoming an extreme physical disability to pursue his groundbreaking scientific work. He was a bestselling author whose books made complex ideas accessible to the general public. His theories provided deep insights into the connections between quantum physics and relativity, including how those concepts might be united in explaining fundamental questions related to the development of the universe and the formation of black holes. Fast Facts: Stephen Hawking Known For: Cosmologist, physicist, best-selling science writerAlso Known As: Steven William HawkingBorn: January 8, 1942 in Oxfordshire, EnglandParents: Frank and Isobel HawkingDied: March 14, 2018 in Cambridge, EnglandEducation: St Albans School, B.A., University College, Oxford, Ph.D., Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 1966Published Works: A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes, The Universe in a Nutshell, On the Shoulders of Giants, A Briefer History of Time, The Grand Design, My Brief HistoryAwards and Honors: Fellow of the Royal Society, the Eddington Medal, the Royal Societys Hughes Medal, the Albert Einstein Medal, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Wolf Prize in Physics, the Prince of Asturias Awards in Concord, the Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society, the Michelson Morley Award of Case Western Reserve University, the Copley Medal of the Ro yal SocietySpouses: Jane Wilde, Elaine MasonChildren: Robert, Lucy, TimothyNotable Quote: â€Å"Most of the threats we face come from the progress we’ve made in science and technology. We are not going to stop making progress, or reverse it, so we must recognize the dangers and control them. I’m an optimist, and I believe we can.†Early Life Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxfordshire, England, where his mother had been sent for safety during the German bombings of London of World War II. His mother Isobel Hawking was an Oxford graduate and his father Frank Hawking was a medical researcher. After Stephens birth, the family reunited in London, where his father headed the division of parasitology at the National Institute for Medical Research. The family then moved to St. Albans so that Stephens father could pursue medical research at the nearby Institute for Medical Research in Mill Hill. Education and Medical Diagnosis Stephen Hawking attended school in St. Albans, where he was an unexceptional student. His brilliance was much more apparent in his years at Oxford University. He specialized in physics and graduated with first-class honors despite his relative lack of diligence. In 1962, he continued his education at Cambridge University, pursuing a Ph.D. in cosmology. At age 21, a year after beginning his doctoral program, Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as motor neuron disease, ALS, and Lou Gehrigs disease). Given only three years to live, he has written that this prognosis helped motivate him in his physics work. There is little doubt that his ability to remain actively engaged with the world through his scientific work helped him persevere in the face of the disease. The support of family and friends were equally key. This is vividly portrayed in the dramatic film The Theory of Everything. The ALS Progresses As his illness progressed, Hawking became less mobile and began using a wheelchair. As part of his condition, Hawking eventually lost his ability to speak, so he utilized a device capable of translating his eye movements (since he could no longer utilize a keypad) to speak in a digitized voice. In addition to his keen mind within physics, he gained respect throughout the world as a science communicator. His achievements are deeply impressive on their own, but some of the reason he is so universally respected was his ability to accomplish so much while suffering the severe debility caused by ALS. Marriage and Children Just before his diagnosis, Hawking met Jane Wilde, and the two were married in 1965. The couple had three children before separating. Hawking later married Elaine Mason in 1995 and they divorced in 2006. Career as Academic and Author Hawking stayed on at Cambridge after his graduation, first as a research fellow and then as a professional fellow. For most of his academic career, Hawking served as the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, a position once held by Sir Isaac Newton. Following a long tradition, Hawking retired from this post at age 67, in the spring of 2009, though he continued his research at the universitys cosmology institute. In 2008 he also accepted a position as a visiting researcher at Waterloo, Ontarios Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. In 1982 Hawking began work on a popular book on cosmology. By 1984 he had produced the first draft of A Brief History of Time, which he published in 1988 after some medical setbacks. This book remained on the Sunday Times bestsellers list for 237 weeks. Hawkings even more accessible A Briefer History of Time was published in 2005. Fields of Study Hawkings major research was in the areas of theoretical cosmology, focusing on the evolution of the universe as governed by the laws of general relativity. He is most well-known for his work in the study of black holes. Through his work, Hawking was able to: Prove that singularities are general features of spacetime.Provide mathematical proof that information which fell into a black hole was lost.Demonstrate that black holes evaporate through Hawking radiation. Death On March 14, 2018, Stephen Hawking died in his home in Cambridge, England. He was 76. His ashes were placed in London’s Westminster Abbey between the final resting places of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Legacy Stephen Hawking made large contributions as a scientist, science communicator, and as a heroic example of how enormous obstacles can be overcome. The Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication is a prestigious award that recognizes the merit of popular science on an international level. Thanks to his distinctive appearance, voice, and popularity, Stephen Hawking is often represented in popular culture. He made appearances on the television shows The Simpsons and Futurama, as well as having a cameo on Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1993. The Theory of Everything, a biographical drama film about Hawkings life, was released in 2014. Sources â€Å"Stephen Hawking.† Famous Scientists.Redd, Nola Taylor. â€Å"Stephen Hawking Biography (1942-2018).†, Space, 14 Mar. 2018.â€Å"Stephen William Hawking.† Stephen Hawking (1942-2018).
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Business Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain Management is one of the important functions of an organization that is concerned with the administration of the flow of the services as well as products of the particular pany (Christopher 2016). It is concerned with the inventory and transport as well as storage capabilities of the raw materials. This report deals with the logistics challenges faced during the process of transporting the l otives, thermal coal and wagons for the construction of a railway line from â€Å"Central Western Queensland†to â€Å"Abbot Point Port†located in the Northeast Queensland. The challenges of the logistics are discussed in detail with focus on two key areas. The objective of this report is to identify the logistics challenges during the process of transportation of the raw materials from initial point (Germany) to the final destination (Abbott Point Port). The raw materials are required for the construction of a railway line and hence must reach the final destination in a timely manner. It is also important that the raw materials reach the international mining pany in proper condition, thus minimizing any damages or risks in transit. The report will outline the primary challenges faced in the supply chain management. It will also focus on details like port activities, inland details, sea freight details and various logistics activities. It will also discuss the â€Å"Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services Requirements†in order to understand the issues in a better manner. The major deliverables of the project include the identification of the major issues in the process of logistics and strive to seek suitable solutions for it. The range of activities which deals with effective and efficient transfer of goods as well as services from the â€Å"point of origin†to the â€Å"point of consumption†is known as Supply Chain Management (Monczka et al. 2015). It involves the process of raw materials storage, inventory management and the movement of the goods from one place to the other. The process of logistics deal with the right products delivered in right quantity to the right customer at the right cost (Christopher 2016). The products must be delivered in right time and at the right place. The process of logistics usually deals with the transport activities of a single organization, however, the supply chain management, deals with the transport activities within a network of panies that work in a collaborative manner (Wisner Tan and Leong 2014). The integrated logistics deal with the customer service, production planning, purchasing, transport and the warehouse activities (Christopher 2016). There are important supply chain activities that must be undertaken by the pany for the purpose of successfully delivering the materials to the final destination. There are three broad logistics activities that can be carried out by the pany- Inbound logistics, outbound logistics and Conversion operations (Christopher 2016).  Some of the important activities are described below- There are two important areas in the process of logistics management. They are discussed below- Transportation- It is important to focus on the transportation of the raw materials. There are several reasons for efficient transportation of freight. The specialty and the surplus is responsible for the purpose of trading. The trading enhances the specialty as well as aim for greater surplus options for the panies (Christopher 2016). The process of transportation is required from the process of delivery of the raw materials to the manufacturing process (Christopher 2016). The transportation accounts for one-third of the total logistics costs. It is one of the most important factors that influence the efficiency of the logistics process (Christopher 2016). The panies must aim for maintaining economic transportation facilities in order to control the expenditure of the pany (Christopher 2016). The cost of the transportation should be controlled so that the pany maintains high market share and the logistics costs can be kept under control (Jensen and Bergqvist 2013). The transportatio n costs consist of various expenses such as vehicles cost, cost of terminals, pallets, containers, time and labour (Christopher 2016). The logistics specialist must take into account the operation of transport system in the country so that the highest efficiency can be achieved. The process of transportation is an important step for the purpose of the conversation of the raw materials into finished goods (Eskandarpour et al. 2015). The plexity of the transportation is an important consideration in the total quality management. It acts as a bridge between the consumers and the producers (Christopher 2016). Materials handling- The pany must pay attention to the materials handling department of the logistics management. There are four dimensions in the materials handling job such as movement, time, quantity and space (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). This task requires the management of the raw materials from procurement to transport. It is important to increase the effective capacity of the logistics process and reduce the malfunctioning in the product handling process. The pany must ensure that the raw materials are delivered to the clients using an excellent cost-effective carrier and at the right time (Rushton Croucher and Baker 2014). It should also be ensured that the products are not damaged in transit and it is important to maintain the optimum quality of the raw materials (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). There can be several factors such as premium freight, production shortage, inventory adjustments and others (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). There can be issues with the materials handling managers such as incorrect material bills, shipping errors, production reporting errors, incorrect cycle counts and others (Alanjari Razavialavi and AbouRizk 2014). It is also important for timely release the products so that it can reach the clients in a timely manner. There are a number of issues in the logistics operations that can be faced by the pany. The challenges are described as below- The pany should pay attention to the excellent transport of the modities so that it reaches the final destination safely. The pany should pay attention to the transportation of the goods through the sea containers (Davenport 2013). The pany should focus on the logistics process through the utilization of sea port terminals. An alternative to the sea freight can be â€Å"inland carrier†(Talley 2014). This implies that the pany must utilize carriers other than the ocean modes. These can be water, land or air, depending on the budget as well as convenience of the logistics pany (Davenport 2013). There should be different considerations that should be considered such as cost, time, convenience, nature of goods and others (Davenport 2013). It is important to consider the important port activities that are an important part of the logistics process. There are many disparate activities in the port such as movement of the containers, movement of the ships, cargo management, custom activities, loading as well as unloading of the ships and others (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). There are other important factors such as channels, anchorages, human resources, berths, tugs, warehouse and others (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). The logistics specialist needs to gain knowledge regarding the efficient management of the port (Bichou Bell and Evans 2013). These include managing the resources as well as the flow of money. There should be bination of efficient cargo handling services and the reduction of the unit costs (Selinka Franz and Stolletz 2016). It is important to check the application of technology in the cargo handling services. An efficient cargo handling services should ensure minimum damages of the goods (Bichou Bell and Evan s 2013). The logistics specialist should take into account the efficiency of the ports before dealing with them regarding the transport of the goods. The Australian Government has formulated a strict security inspection and quarantine measures for the inward as well as outward movement of goods entering a particular state in Australia (Weng An and Hu 2015). The quarantine measure checks all the cargo entering the state for possible contamination by microorganisms (Weng An and Hu 2015). The AQIS is a government agency in Australia which is responsible for quarantine laws, on behalf of the Department of Agriculture ( 2016). This activity would minimize the threat of severe pests and protect the agriculture industry in Australia. The logistics specialist should consider the AQIS specifications so that there can be smooth functioning of the logistics process (Weng An and Hu 2015). The logistics pany should aim for finding a solution for the logistics challenges. It should try to maximize the transportation efficiency of the pany. It should focus more on the creation of dedicated shipping partners which would make the transportation process hassle free. The pany should ensure the timely delivery of the raw materials. The pany should also focus on the security of the goods that are transported. The port activities and the sea freight details must be considered by the logistics specialist. The detailed processes in carrying out supply chain management as well as logistics function of the pany are elaborated. This report would enable the CEO to understand the intricacies of the logistics function. This report is to be submitted during the planning phase of the supply chain management process that would give a clear picture to the senior management of the pany. Alanjari, P., Razavialavi, S. and AbouRizk, S., 2014. A simulation-based approach for material yard laydown planning. Automation in Construction, 40, pp.1-8. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2016]. Bichou, K., Bell, M. and Evans, A., 2013. Risk management in port operations, logistics and supply chain security. CRC Press. Bowersox, D.J., 2013. Logistical excellence: it's not business as usual. Elsevier. Christopher, M., 2016. Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson Higher Ed. Davenport, T.H., 2013. Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Dekker, R., Bloemhof, J. and Mallidis, I., 2012. Operations Research for green logistics–An overview of aspects, issues, contributions and challenges. European Journal of Operational Research, 219(3), pp.671-679. Eskandarpour, M., Dejax, P., Miemczyk, J. and Pà ©ton, O., 2015. Sustainable supply chain network design: an optimization-oriented review.Omega, 54, pp.11-32. Fay, S. and Xie, J., 2014. Timing of product allocation: Using probabilistic selling to enhance inventory management. Management Science, 61(2), pp.474-484. Fernie, J. and Sparks, L., 2014. Logistics and retail management: emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Jensen, A. and Bergqvist, R., 2013. Seaport strategies for pre-emptive defence of market share under changing hinterland transport system performance. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 5(4-5), pp.432-448. Mentzer, J.T., 2015. Logistics Modeling in the 1980’s: A Decade of Challenges. In The 1980’s: A Decade of Marketing Challenges (pp. 156-160). Springer International Publishing. Monczka, R.M., Handfield, R.B., Giunipero, L.C. and Patterson, J.L., 2015.Purchasing and supply chain management. Cengage Learning. Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014. The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Selinka, G., Franz, A. and Stolletz, R., 2016. Time-dependent performance approximation of truck handling operations at an air cargo terminal puters & Operations Research, 65, pp.164-173. Stadtler, H., 2015. Supply chain management: An overview. In Supply chain management and advanced planning (pp. 3-28). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Talley, W.K., 2014. Maritime transport chains: carrier, port and shipper choice effects. International Journal of Production Economics, 151, pp.174-179. Waters, D. and Rinsler, S., 2014. Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management. Kogan Page Publishers. Weng, X., An, J. and Hu, Y., 2015. Research on the Market Access of Cold Chain Logistics Service Quality Safety for Agricultural Products. Journal of Service Science and Management, 8(6), p.793. Wisner, J.D., Tan, K.C. and Leong, G.K., 2014. Principles of supply chain management: a balanced approach. Cengage Learning.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Succession planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Succession planning - Essay Example This is because the company was prompted by the varying statistics of the workforce. However, in 1995, the company realized that most women who were successful to attain the vice president level were the white women. Out of these results, the company’s Chairman and CEO who was heading the company at that time used the leaders who were reporting directly to him to develop women of different races in order to be represented in the vice-presidents position. The leaders had big roles to play to develop and monitor workers from the minority groups, especially women from other races apart from the whites. The company ensured that women of other races benefited from all the succession planning process within the company. The structure of succession planning used by the company involved the following: First, it involves making a commitment. Individuals in the top management should be committed to succession planning. They should be prepared mentally to handle abrupt loss in the organization resulting from death, disability, resignation and retirement. Secondly, it involves assessing the current work requirement and competence of individuals. Those involved in decision making in the company should ensure the work to be done and the output requirement is clarified. Thirdly, individual performance should be appraised. A company should eliminate any existing barriers to individual performance and encourage them to do their best. This can be achieved through establishment of performance management systems. Fourthly, it involves assessing future requirements output among individuals. Those involved in the decision making should come up with necessary competences which will enable the organization to be suc cessful. The fifth step involves assessing individual potential. An organization should come up with ways of assessing what individuals are capable of in present and future
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Social Work - Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Work - Family - Essay Example The acculturation process which we all have experienced, and probably continue to, introduces us to the rules and protocols particular to each of these systems. The fact that we learn them and are able to successfully negotiate our way from one system to the other, and form healthy relations in each, is evidenced by the fact that our home behaviour is markedly different from our school behaviour. Our socialisation into each of these systems and the process of acculturation we experienced therein have effectively taught us to change our behaviour and method of communication in accordance with the system within which we are operating at any point in time. The fact is, however, that systems are not stable but ever-evolving and changing. Accordingly, and as shall be illustrated through reference to the family system, it is often contingent upon each and every one of us to adjust ourselves to the changes within the system, so as to attain equilibrium once again. The family system is not only the first into which we are embraced as valued members but is the system which introduces us to all others. The implication here is that it is both the founding system and the most enduring one. It is enduring in that the greater majority of us remain members of the family system throughout our lives. This is not the case with the community system, for example, or even the religious system as affiliations change. The family system, however, is stable and only through dramatic circumstances does our membership terminate, as in through the deaths of the other members of the nuclear family. In other words, while the family system is both enduring and our membership in it stable, that does not mean to imply that it is static. As with all systems, it continually changes and evolves. In order to better explain the implications of the aforementioned, it is necessary to explore the meaning of system stability, change and equilibrium. The stability of a system can have a significant effect on how readily it engages in change. Systems are most stable when they experience being in equilibrium with their environments. In this context, equilibrium is defined as a system receiving the resources it needs from its environment in exchange for what is produced by the system. Prigogine and Stengers described this condition as "the stable, predictable behavior of systems tending toward the minimum level of activity compatible with the fluxes that feed them" (1984, p. 139). The exchange process flows smoothly and the system does not experience tension arising from the exchange. Occasional fluctuations in this exchange process are not assumed by the system to be a basic change in a stable relationship with the environment. More significant fluctuations may cause some concerns about the relationship. Prigogine and Stengers referred to this condition as near-equilibrium. The situation is still rather stable but, from this exchan ge process, a degree of tension is introduced into the system. The focus of the system is on maintaining stability rather than seeking change. The above stated can be related and applied to personal experiences within the family system. As a member of that system, I am fully aware of the way in which it functions and my relationship with each member within is determined by the status if that person within this system. For example, my relationship w
Friday, January 24, 2020
Race-Based Traffic Stops in the US Essay -- racial profiling, police st
Imagine driving home, on a pleasant evening, after a tedious day at work. Just as you are about to arrive to your neighborhood, you notice blue and red flashing lights and pull over. It seems the police officer has no reason for stopping you, except to search your vehicle because of your suspiciously perceived skin tone. This unnecessary traffic stop, designed for people of colored skin, happens on numerous occasions and has been termed Driving While Black or Brown. Racial profiling is the act of using race or ethnicity as grounds for suspecting someone of having committed a crime. Race-based traffic stops are dangerous for people of color, since they can happen anytime; various African Americans and Latinos modify their driving habits in uncommon ways. For example, some completely avoid predominately white suburbs, in fear of police involvements for looking out of place. Some intentionally drive ordinary vehicles or change his or her dressing style, and others who drive long distances even factor in extra time for the inescapable traffic stops (Harris). â€Å"From 2005 to mid-2008, approximately eighty percent of total stops made were of Blacks and Latinos, who comprise twenty-five percent and twenty-eight percent of New York City’s total population, respectively. During this same time period, only about ten percent of stops were of Whites, who comprise forty-four percent of the city’s population†(â€Å"Restoring a National Consensus†). Ray Kelly, appointed Police Commissioner by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, of New York in 2013, has not only accepted stop-and-frisk, a program that allows law enforcers to stop individuals and search them, but has multiplied its use. Kelly argued that New Yorkers of color, who have been unevenly targeted un... ...inspired action at the state and local level. The ACLU calls on legislators in every state to pass laws that will allow the practice of traffic enforcement to be statistically monitored continuously. Fourth, the Justice Department should ban racial profiling in all federally funded drug interdiction programs. Fifth, the fifty largest cities in the United States should voluntarily collect traffic stop data (â€Å"Restoring a National Consensus†). Earl G. Graves said, â€Å"Fifty years after Dr. Martin Luther King expressed his dream that African Americans would someday be judged not by the color of our skin but by the content of our character, the line between the suspect is a black male and black males are suspect remains dangerously thin.†Our nation needs to follow the five-step plan outlined by ACLU to allow our members of society safety and equal rights for one another.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Economic development Essay
Today, education is the most important tool for the development of society. There is a direct correlation between education and development of society. The countries that realize this fact, giving the required importance for their education system, have become highly developed. Education should be promoted since it is the most important factor for the development of a country. The promotion of the education is depended on the factors like literacy rate in a country, schooling rate in the primary, secondary and higher education, proliferation of training technologies, and the quality of the education. This promotion process should be considered as a necessary condition for economic, technological and social development for a nation. In other words, the process of a successful development depends on the fact of gibing the society a conscious of change which is highly connected to education. Fist of all, education enlightens people. The educated person is the person who improves oneself. A person increases her/his level of knowledge through education, so he/she has a better understanding and analyzing of daily matters and an agenda. That person can make logical deductions based on the knowledge he gains and refuses the traditional corrupted understanding. Individual’s ability of the interpretation of knowledge through one’s intelligence and skills is supported by education; accordingly, increasing the creativity and intellectual thinking. An individual can learn about different cultures, lifestyles and history from past to present; hence education provides universal perspective to an individual. The most important differential of uneducated person is having a narrow point of view. A person should be educated in order to learn taking objective decisions and being liberated from the social pressure. Besides, educated people respect the rights of others and they have a fair understanding of the concept of equality, right to life, and right to property. The reason why developed countries show highly respect to the individual rights is that the education level of the country is being fairly high. On the other hand, the reason why there are deep inequalities between women and men or rich and poor in under-developed countries is that the education level in there is being fairly low. Besides, there is also a lack of respect to the human rights in these under-developed countries due to low education level. Secondly, education affects the development of science and technology of a country. Technological developments increase by knowledge and research which is provided by education. It is the advancement and proliferation of technology that makes countries developing by the production of knowledge, schooling of creative minds leads countries develop economically, technologically and politically. Education, advancement of technology and development are in a circle movement which produces itself. Cakmak also says that as a result of the creation of science and technology, mobility of scientific knowledge, and nurturing of individuals with creative minds, countries have experienced important economic and political changes which lead to infinitive competition among them in the fields of education, development and innovation (Cakmak O. 2008). In addition, developed countries use technology as a part of their education system. Thus, every student can follow technology and learn about the newest advancements which lead them learn better and improve their intelligence. Finally, education leads knowledge turn into money that improves the economy of a country. Educated people knowing to learn how to invest, produce, expand the business adjusts and improves the economy causing the increase of gross domestic product per capita. Education also gives more job opportunities to people in the business sector. According to OECD, the effect of education to the economic development is proved in the researches of economic growth in 1960s. The researches show that contribution of education to the economic growths is really important and this percentage differs as %7 in England, %15 in USA, %14 in Belgium, %16 in Argentina, and %25 in Canada (OECD, 2005). Some may argue that education does not affect the economic development of a country. There are lots of uneducated but successful business men. People can learn how to run a business without an education. To illustrate, â€Å"Sak? p Sabanc? , who is the founder and chairman of the Sabanc? Holding due to the reason suffering from pneumonia three successive years, had to leave the high school and start to work in BOSSA Flour Factory in 1950 with a wage of 50 TL†(NTV Haber). Considering his life, it is obvious that one can learn how to run a business without education. Hence, it is not only education but also experience that makes one successful in business. All in all, economic, social and technologic development of a country is highly related to the education level of that country. Without education, a country can not develop. The only way of individual’s enlighten and learning to use knowledge, and increase of technology is education. Thus, education should be promoted since it is the most important factor for the development of a country.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Military War Cause and Effect - 553 Words
Military War cause and effect All living things need the resources provided by our natural world to live, leading to them adapting to specific environments. Animals in particular are mobile creatures that move from place to place searching for the best environments for their survival. The most intelligent creatures in our animal world are human beings and like other animals, they moved from place to place while organized into races in search of the elusive desirable environments. However, there is always the likelihood of finding fellow humanity already thriving in that environment. This resulted to conflict as competition for the inadequate resources arose. Consequently, human beings formed nations, allegiance to the national system†¦show more content†¦Germany needed resources to fuel its growing economy in order for the country to dominate the world. Further, the idea of govern in the country was to be spread across the globe as it gained supremacy. However, international understanding played a key role in the direction the war took. On one side, Germany had to seek allies such as Italy in order for it to achieve its goal and on the other side the countries under siege had to combine forces to protect their borders and in so doing, they formed the allied forces (Waltz, 9). The war resulted to destruction of infrastructural development and entire cities such as Warsaw. Further, the human catastrophe was the worst in history of military war. In the end, international understanding led to the formation of the United Nations after which a cold war persisted between the nations involved in the war. Secondly, struggle for power results to military war. From the meaning of international politics that is struggle for power, the acquired power protects a nation’s interest and further helps to influence other nations (Troxell, 1). Military strength plays a key role in attaining desired power. For instance, the United States accounts for about 39% perce nt of the world’s military budget making it the sole super power. With the acquired power, the country has been able to influence decisions and ideas such as democracy across the globe. The country has also been able to wage war on terrorism byShow MoreRelatedThe Causes Of The First World War1395 Words  | 6 PagesThe causes of the First World War were similar and differed from the causes of the Second World War politically, economically, and socially. Both of these significant, historical events were substantially affected by the interaction of dominating societies during this time period. 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From the Revolutionary War, which established the United States as a nation, through the World Wars, which set up the U.S as one of the world super powers, to its current war on terror, the military has helped and protected U.S. interests around the world. During all these wars American soldiers have proudly served their country. Because of these wars America is famous throughout the world forRead MoreEuropean Expansion During The 19th Century1013 W ords  | 5 Pagesmany factors which portrayed the upcoming of a world war. Intense nationalism and militarism were both causes of the first world war and painted a picture for disaster. With the thought of war coming national leaders sought alignments with foreign powers to help protect themselves. After the war the world was left speechless. The aftermath left both positive and negative effects. The amount of lost lives and wounded soldiers was mind blowing. The war also affected the economy greatly. 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As the revolution wore on, numerous reform and Tsar Nicholas II, a ruler, tried to change Russias social structure and government. Among the masses, there was discontentment with Russias social system and living conditions. Laborers worked and lived in horrendous conditions, which playedRead MoreThe Civil Military Dialogue Is The Most Critical Component Of Strategic Art1400 Words  | 6 PagesArguably, civil-military dialogue is the most critical component of strategic art as it serves to build trust and create shared understanding. High levels of trust and understanding facilitate the matching of strategy to policy while forming the guiding logic that underpins the chosen theory of victory. Furthermore, candid and continuous dialogue facilitates reassessment and redirection when prewar plans fail to meet wartime realities. Without candid and iterative discourse, the result is nothing
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